Certified Immigration Translation Services

We provide industry-leading, professional immigration translation services to help you succeed at affordable rates.


Immigration Translation Services

Any requested document for immigration applications that require translation must be certified. While anyone deemed fluent in both the original language and English can do this, you must partner with someone you trust to be accountable for a completely accurate translation. Working with Bureau Works can give you the peace of mind of knowing you’ll receive fast, reliable translations that won’t delay your application or put you at risk of being denied.

Do I need to hire a translation service?

USCIS requires translation be done by a person fluent in both the original language and English. Working with a translation service gives you transparent pricing and accountability to ensure that any errors or issues with the document are easily fixed and meet USCIS requirements.

How much will it cost for a certified translation?

Once your document is uploaded, you will receive an automated quote for your certified translation upfront. We charge at a per-word rate which averages out to 20 cents per word.

How long will it take to have immigration documents translated?

The typical turnaround time for up to 5 pages is 72 hours, with the option of a 48-hour turnaround for shorter documents. Anything longer will be returned on a TBD basis after the document has been uploaded. Rush fees can be applied for next-day delivery if requested.

What Are the USCIS Translation Requirements?

High-quality translation
Transparent pricing
Over 36,000 expert linguists with a wide range of industry knowledge
Quality assurance reviews for accuracy
Easy workflow tracking
Fast turnaround times
34 supported languages

Immigration Translation Services That Have You Covered

Certified Translation

We provide fast, accurate translation services with an accompanying signed, certified statement of completion and accuracy to meet USCIS standards.

General Translation

We provide reliable, accurate translation for any requested non-certified translation project. We offer quick, one-time service through Bureau Express with no minimum fee.

Bureau Works offers first-rate, professional immigration translation services, so you have one less thing to worry about.

Contact our team today to learn more about how we can help you.

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