Italian to English Translation Services with Bureau Works

Bureau Works is a well-known firm that specializes in delivering outstanding italian to english and english to italian translation services.
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The Italian language, which is the official language of classical music and the second most spoken native language in the EU, demands top-notch translation services due to its expansiveness. This is because Italian, like Spanish and French, evolved from Vulgar Latin between the third and eighth centuries.

Unlike the compactness of English, Italian requires the expertise of skilled linguists for grammatical accuracy and dedicated engineers for managing text boxes to enable Italian translations to fit accurately within them, emphasizing the importance of quality translation services.

Curiosities about Italian language

Italy has a rich history and culture, and its language, Italian, is a testament to this. Here are a few interesting facts about Italy and the Italian language:

  1. Italian is a Romance language: Italian is part of the Romance language family, including Spanish, French, and Portuguese. This means that Italian has many linguistic and cultural connections to these other languages.
  2. The Italian alphabet has 21 letters: The Italian alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet and includes 21 letters, with five vowels (A, E, I, O, U) and 16 consonants.
  3. Italian is the official language of Italy: Italian is the official language of Italy and is spoken by most of its population. It is also one of the official languages of Switzerland and San Marino, two small countries surrounded by Italy.

Professional Italian to English Translation services

When it comes to language services, it is important to work with a company that offers comprehensive localization solutions. That's where Bureau Works comes in - we are an industry leading platform that specializes in providing expert localization services to help you conquer the Italian market.

Our team of highly skilled professional Italian translators work tirelessly to ensure that all your translation needs are met. From file engineering to quality assurance reviews, we have everything you need to deliver high quality professional Italian translations that are both linguistically and culturally appropriate.

At Bureau Works, we understand that the success of your business in the Italian market is heavily dependent on the quality of your translations, which is why we take great care to properly integrate translated content. By providing you with our high quality professional Italian to english translations, we are giving you the tools you need to gain a competitive edge in the Italian market.

So why wait? Contact Bureau Works today and starts experiencing the benefits of our expert localization services.

Distinct Occurrences in Italian Translation services

Due to the diversity of the Italian language among its speakers, relying solely on machine translation can result in culturally inaccurate and poor-quality translations.

Also, When applying for Italian citizenship, it's crucial to ensure that all necessary documents are translated accurately. These four issues are a few specific hindrances that can affect translation:


As a Romance language, Italian translations are typically longer than less expressive languages such as English. An insured text box buffer must be built into the code to prevent formatting errors and maintain the content’s design.


Italian has 34 known varying dialects with varying origins and rules that dictate vowel and verb changes. For instance, Sardinian is an Italian dialect with autonomy as its language because it’s more conservative than standard Italian.


Italian has similar grammatical characteristics as Spanish, including nouns with gender distinctions and various verb conjugations. It also has distinctive adjective placements, which can alter the meaning of sentences.


Italian has both formal and informal terms that display a proper amount of respect or familiarity in any given situation. For instance, “tu” and “lei” are the formal and informal versions of “you” and dictate the verb endings.

What Professional Italian to English Translation Services Do We Provide?

Expert Italian Linguists

Our high quality linguists adapt content to multiple dialects while having enough expertise in various areas to give translated content a more natural feel for a specific region.

Professional translation of official documents and texts into Italian

We offer professional translation services for official documents and texts into Italian.

Our team of Italian to english translators possesses not only fluency in the language but also a profound understanding of its grammar, syntax, and cultural intricacies, enabling them to deliver precise translations, even for the most intricate official documents and texts. What's more, our Italian translators have extensive knowledge of the terminology and phrasing utilized in legal and official Italian documents, ensuring that even the most technical translations are both exact and comprehensible.

Quality Reviews

We review translated content to ensure accuracy and cultural appropriateness with local reviewers and use features like translation memory and glossary to save translations and maintain consistency.

Engineering Support

We ensure that translated content is properly translated while protecting the code. This engineering reduces the need for delaying a content’s launch date to fix coding errors.

Multilingual Proficiency

While giving you support with Italian translations, we also support multiple language translations to compete in varying markets.

Automated Workflow

We offer various tools to support continuous localization for future content updates with automated project management. Therefore, future translations are much quicker, and site accuracy is maintained across markets.

Professional Italian Translation Expertise

Our company prides itself on having the best professional Italian translation expertise. With our combination of experienced translators, rigorous quality control processes, industry knowledge, use of technology, and customer focus, we believe that we have the best professional Italian translation expertise.

Certified English to Italian and Italian to English Translations

When it comes to official matters, such as entering into international contracts or applying for naturalization, certified Italian translation services are essential. The accuracy of these documents is of utmost importance, which is why it's crucial to choose a translation firm that meets the highest standards.

Bureau Works holds a steadfast commitment to excellence, which is why we exclusively collaborate with the most exceptional linguists. This guarantees that every project involving certified Italian translations is meticulously executed with the highest level of care and professionalism.

Our top-tier talent and cutting-edge workflow environment enable us to tackle even the most rigorous regulatory environments. Whether you require a one-time translation through Bureau Express or an ongoing partnership through our Bureau Works platform, we offer comprehensive solutions for all your certified translation needs.

Meet our Italian translators

We have got you covered, whether you require a one-time translation through Bureau Express or an ongoing partnership with our Bureau Works platform, thanks to our expert Italian translators. Our skilled Italian translators are committed to delivering accurate and professional translations with unwavering attention to detail. Trust us to handle all your translation needs, whether it be a single translation or a long-term collaboration.

How much does a certified translation from Italian to English cost?

The expense of a certified Italian to English translation is dependent on various factors, such as the document's length, content intricacy, and project urgency. On average, the cost for certified translation services from Italian to English ranges between $0.10 to $0.25 per word, with a mean rate of about $0.15 per word. You can expect to pay higher fees for more complex and urgent projects requiring Italian to English translation services.

For a simple, straightforward document, such as a birth certificate or a passport, the cost might be on the lower end of the scale, around $0.10 to $0.12 per word. For more complex or technical documents, such as a legal contract or a medical report, the cost could be higher, around $0.18 to $0.25 per word.

The cost of the project may be influenced by urgency, as Italian to English expedited services generally cost more than standard turnaround times. Moreover, the rates charged by translators may be influenced by their experience and qualifications when it comes to translating Italian to English, with more experienced and highly qualified translators generally charging higher fees.

Other Italian translation services

At BureauWorks, we pride ourselves on delivering top quality Italian translation services that cater to a wide range of use cases. Whether you require document translation, eLearning materials, or anything in between, we have the expertise and experience to provide you with exactly what you need. Our Italian translation options are tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring that you receive accurate, culturally appropriate translations that meet your unique needs.

Website Translation

We offer complete website translation services with continuous localization no matter what languages you add.

Our website translation services include:

  • SEO optimization
  • SEO optimization
  • Quality Assurance (QA) checks
  • Automation
  • CMS integration
  • Code reviews
  • Formatting
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Software Translation

Software translation begins with a strict, err-free process to ensure company brand standards.

Our process entails:

  • Internationalization
  • Centralization
  • Testing
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Marketing Translation

Engage with a new audience by engaging consumers with a message that truly resonates.

Our process includes:

  • Brand enthusiasts
  • In-country collaboration
  • Translation memory integration
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eLearning Translation

Our quality eLearning localization services enhance the learner experience.

  • Strategic localization strategy
  • Expert eLearning translators
  • Multimedia translation
  • Continuous translation
  • Quality assurance (QA) checks
  • Granular reporting
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Product Translation

Quality product localization begins with context and key sensitivity. We focus on more than just translation.

  • Metatag context
  • Translator product knowledge
  • Design considerations
  • Scalable services
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Business Materials Translation

We ensure your brand’s integrity is preserved in all markets, follow compliance regulations in all localization efforts, and guarantee your localization goals exceed expectations.

  • Top-notch security measures
  • Technological advances
  • Expert translators with AI integration
  • Learn More

How can I request a standard Italian to English translation?

Bureau Works specializes in professional localization services, including top-notch Italian to English translation services, to help you expand your business globally. Get in touch with our team today to learn more about how we can support your localization needs.

  • Our end-to-end Italian to English translation services are designed to help you get your product to market faster, without compromising the consumer experience.
  • We take pride in our expert platform, which incorporates the latest tools and top linguists to provide you with high quality translated content for a successful launch in new markets.
  • With our Italian to English translation services, you can be confident that your message is accurately and effectively communicated to your target audience.
  • Unlock the power of glocalization with our Translation Management System.

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