Business Translation

Today’s companies need an international presence to secure consumer expansion. To succeed in these new markets, companies must choose the right localization platform for their brand. The right translation platform and processes will ensure your brand’s integrity is preserved in all markets and that consistency is maintained in all localization efforts.


How Business Translation Should Look

When you’re looking for professional business translations, you want to leverage a platform  that offers technology, organization, and security to ensure you receive the best return on investment (ROI) for your project.


Bureau Works ensures security by uploading all critical data and information to a single, encrypted space. We also restrict the ability to download content off the platform and provide a detailed history of actions so you know precisely who accesses information, when, and why.


We use artificial intelligence to evaluate translators, vet their skills, and assign them roles based on verifiable performance metrics. This means the perfect linguists are chosen for your project in terms of both language and skill set.


Our localization management platform was created with efficiency and transparency in mind. You can access it from anywhere, allowing you to see which jobs are in progress and how long they have until completion. With our range of features, you can also automate posting, job assignments, and more to minimize project management efforts.

Manage all of Your Business Translations in One Place

If you use a translation management system, you should use  one that can handle all your content needs rather than just a few niche areas. At Bureau Works, we support the total content ecosystem, including:

Product Software

Our platform supports the translation of the customer interface for all your markets

Marketing Material

Your marketing campaigns, brand building efforts, and all external messaging.


Maintaining multiple websites is made easy with our end-to-end solutions.

Internal Documents

Translate your company culture accurately to employees across the globe

White Papers

Share the knowledge garnered from your research in more markets.

Legal Documents

Get precise translations for all your legal documents, including contracts and regulatory filings.

Customer Service

Establish scripts and chatbot programs that respond to customers in their native language.


Bureau Works is a one-stop-shop for all types of content, from text and videos to subtitles and audio files.

Leveraging Continuous Localization for Ever-Evolving Updates

Business translation services often become complicated because there are so many moving parts, all of which require different approaches. This is why our platform supports structured continuous localization. Here’s how it works:

  1. A web crawler browses your original content for changes.
  2. Changes trigger an automatic job creation.
  3. An AI algorithm assigns linguists based on their success metrics with previous jobs of similar scope.
  4. The linguists complete the job using your translation memory, lexicons, and termbases.
  5. The content is reviewed, and changes are made with accompanying comments and added to the translation memory to improve future accuracy.
  6. The content is pushed live to the appropriate page.

Business Translation of the future

A continuous localization process is invaluable when you’re managing multiple content changes in languages. It also builds in structure and oversight to ensure that any issues can be quickly and easily rectified.

Our business translation platform ensures that you can handle a wide range of content translations and streamline your entire localization process by eliminating time-consuming administrative tasks. It is the most cost-efficient way to enter new markets while maintaining a consistent and accurate brand voice.

Bureau Works enables the best business translations with our innovative localization platform

Contact our team to learn about our plans and pricing options

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