Advantages of Auto-Task Placement

With our auto-task placement, you get consistency. That means humans can work on the difficult stuff rather than spend all energy to merely keep the wheels turning. They can focus on talent recruitment, task placement parameters (mainly quality and profitability), and client satisfaction. Tasks aren't getting picked up? You may need to relax your parameters or add more vendors. It's either A, B, or A and B. Whatever it is, our approach allows you to operate job placement in a continuous improvement framework where you can know for a fact whether things are improving or going nowhere.

Enhancing Project Management Productivity

Auto-task placement frees up 30% to 50% of Project Management bandwidth, allowing your Project Managers more bandwidth to focus on key satisfaction drivers such as the integrity of deliverables and scrutiny over process and expectations. It also enables your entire organization to make standardized decisions and improve decision-making processes at the root level.

Don't fight the future. Make it work for you.

Let the data decide for you. Free up your organization, cut-down costs, and allow your people to do what they do best. Heavy-lifting and repetitive tasks are holding your team back so, let Bureau Works remedy that.  Your Project Managers can keep track of job assignments and progress in real-time, all while the automation saves them time and stress!

Advantages of Auto-Task Placement

With our auto-task placement, you get consistency. That means humans can work on the difficult stuff rather than spend all energy to merely keep the wheels turning. They can focus on talent recruitment, task placement parameters (mainly quality and profitability), and client satisfaction. Tasks aren't getting picked up? You may need to relax your parameters or add more vendors. It's either A, B, or A and B. Whatever it is, our approach allows you to operate job placement in a continuous improvement framework where you can know for a fact whether things are improving or going nowhere.

Augmented Translation Actions

Context Sensitive Translation isn't our only augmented feature. We also have "Proofread," "Smells," "Fix Tags," and more. What are all those? Scroll down to find out.


Proofread scans your translation and suggests fixes to any potential mistakes based on contextual analysis.


Translation Smells is a semantic analyzer. It examines a given translation looking for potential deviations in meaning, omissions and a wide variety of mistakes. While the absence of smells does not mean a translation is error-free, the presence of smells is a probable indication of errors worth examining.

Alternative Suggestions      

The Alternative Suggestion provides another way to express the same translation. In addition, it also explains the rationale behind the alternative suggestion. This feature is perfect for when you feel like the best translation is right on the tip of your tongue.

Advantages of Auto-Task Placement

With our auto-task placement, you get consistency. That means humans can work on the difficult stuff rather than spend all energy to merely keep the wheels turning. They can focus on talent recruitment, task placement parameters (mainly quality and profitability), and client satisfaction. Tasks aren't getting picked up? You may need to relax your parameters or add more vendors. It's either A, B, or A and B. Whatever it is, our approach allows you to operate job placement in a continuous improvement framework where you can know for a fact whether things are improving or going nowhere.


Our Review Assessment categorizes the nature of the edits performed to a translation segment and describes how the change makes the edited version better or worse than the original translation.

Learning Terms      

Learning Terms extracts terms and their respective translations as a part of the translation product. Terms are added as learning terms and can later be upgraded to full glossary terms by users with the right level of permissions.

Advantages of Auto-Task Placement

With our auto-task placement, you get consistency. That means humans can work on the difficult stuff rather than spend all energy to merely keep the wheels turning. They can focus on talent recruitment, task placement parameters (mainly quality and profitability), and client satisfaction. Tasks aren't getting picked up? You may need to relax your parameters or add more vendors. It's either A, B, or A and B. Whatever it is, our approach allows you to operate job placement in a continuous improvement framework where you can know for a fact whether things are improving or going nowhere.

Part of Speech Classifier      

Our Part of Speech Classifier identifies the correct part of speech for any term added to your terminology.

Fix Tags      

Fix Tags makes sure the translated text preserves the same tag structure as the original source text.

Supported file types

We support dozens of file types with a unique file parsing and segmentation approach. Everything from complex structured files such as XML and YAML to simple Microsoft Word and PowerPoint files are supported. Our platform makes it easy for translators to focus on their translations and prevents them from making undesirable changes to code, variables, and file structures.


Effective and easy to use, our editor is built with:

Terminology checks and management
Automated Quality checks
Preview for different asset types to maximize contextualization: Documents, Code and Web
On-the-go spell-checking and terminology checks
UI/UX flexibility including inline or column visulization, font, spacing and even a dark mode
Reference Files
Change History

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