Take your translation income to the next level!

Ever feel like you don't get chosen for jobs for no reason at all? Our goal is to create real meritocracy amongst translators, so we created our Auto-Pilot, an automated and AI-driven job placement algorithm. With autopilot, every segment you translate will be reviewed and generate dozens of automated quality data points. Then, your performance tht determines your eligibility for jobs. If you perform well, you will find a consistent flow of volume available daily on your dashboard.  Our auto-pilot is the first automated job placement system that creates opportunity based on merit!

Here’s how it works:

1. Sign up online

Apply to become a member of our elite linguist community. This involves a free linguistic assessment, agreeing to our compliance, and other potential tests to ensure your expertise.

2. Go through the Talent Selection Process

Our selection process is demand-based. Some applications are evaluated in minutes while others may take years, all based on the level of demand we are experiencing in your language pair. If you have not heard back from us on your application, it’s in the queue waiting to be processed.

3. Take Jobs in Bureau Works!

Once you are accepted into the community, you will be able to complete your registration in Bureau Works and find jobs compatible with your expertise. The early stages are the hardest because you do not have a track record to start with, so it may take some time to see your first jobs available. However, you will see more and more over time! Jobs are also placed on a first come, first serve basis, so make sure to check your Home Dashboard multiple times a day. Be present in Bureau Work as much as you can, that's the best way to grow.

4. Generate Impeccable Quality

Bureau Works rates every single segment you produce, either through a human review process or dozens of automated quality data points. Your early translations will establish your reputation, and good quality will lead to more jobs!

5. Increase your opportunities

Our auto-task placement AI takes into account many variables when placing translation jobs. The two most important factors are quality and cost, so if you are not seeing as many jobs as you would like you can experiment with your rate. Linguists have full control over their own rates!

Other Features

Grow through feedback

In Bureau Works, we let you see all changes made to your translations and engage in dialogue with editors and client reviewers. Through teamwork, you can create top-notch, client-ready translations.

Avoid pricing pressure

If you are tired of buyers constantly demanding that you lower your rates, give Bureau Works a try. We let you set your own prices – no questions asked.

Know where you stand

The translator quality dashboard will tell you how your quality is changing over time and in what ways. You can see whether edits to your work are preferential in nature or related to fluency, terminology, grammar or accuracy.

Bureau Works is a breath of fresh air for any translator, proofreader or project manager out there. For me, the best part is the fact that the platform centralizes all of my tasks and the data I need in a single dashboard, allowing me to check specific job details, access the CAT tool directly, and give out QA feedback to translators, interacting with each of them directly through the platform on a daily basis. Another huge plus is the built-in quality assurance system, which uses feedback scores in the automated job assignment process to make sure the right job is always assigned to the right linguist, at the right time.

Mariana F
English to Portuguese

Bureau Works is truly an innovative platform, because it allows me to manage my projects (and my time) in an optimal way. The platform manages the entire translation workflow, from assignment to invoicing, in a simple and effective manner. It is akin to having a personal assistant that takes care quickly and painlessly of all aspects related to a translation project, minus the translation itself!

Carlo V
English to Italian

Bureau Works is a breath of fresh air for any translator, proofreader and project manager out there. For me, the best part is the fact that the platform centralizes all of my tasks and the data I need in a single dashboard, allowing me to check specific job details, access the CAT tool directly, and give out QA feedback to translators, interacting with each of them directly through the platform on a daily basis. Another huge plus is the built-in quality assurance system, which uses feedback scores in the automated job assignment process to make sure the right job is always assigned to the right linguist, at the right time.

Vini S
Portuguese to English

Our Offices

SF Bay Area
3515 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Unit#71
Lafayette, CA, 94549
2980 McFarlane Rd.
Miami, FL 33133