Powerful Machine Translation

Streamline your content translations with Bureau Works Machine Translation.


Machine Translation Advantages

We don’t view the process as human vs. machine translation services. Instead, we look at how the two can work together to create superior results. By integrating human intelligence with the speed of machines, it’s possible to improve the quality, accuracy, and turnaround time of translated content simultaneously.

Enhancing Translator Productivity

Machine Translation (MT) and humans work together to improve the translation results. The MT completes the first draft, and then human translator goes in and resolves any issues or errors.

Ongoing Machine Translation

With new additions made for every project. The more data it collects, the more accurate it grows.

Machine Translation Advantages

We don’t view the process as human vs. machine translation services. Instead, we look at how the two can work together to create superior results. By integrating human intelligence with the speed of machines, it’s possible to improve the quality, accuracy, and turnaround time of translated content simultaneously.

Supported file types

We support dozens of file types with a unique file parsing and segmentation approach. Everything from complex structured files such as XML and YAML to simple Microsoft Word and PowerPoint files is supported. Our platform ensures that our approach to content makes it easy for translators to focus on what they should be translating and prevents them from making undesirable changes to code, variables, and file structures.


Simple but effective, our editor is built in with:

Terminology checks and management
Automated Quality checks
Preview for different asset kinds to maximize contextualization: Documents, Code and Web
On the go Spell-check and Terminology checks
UI/UX flexibility including inline or column visulization, font, spacing and even a dark mode
Reference Files
Change History


Our connectors are based on schedules and routines that allow your program to operate without anyone having to click any button. We focus on creating and mapping out business rules that ensure that these connectors flow seamlessly to and from the translation with minimal human interference.

Take advantage of Machine Translation to yield fast, and cost-effective results

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ChatGPT integration