Best Practices

Bureau Works vs. WorldServer

Enterprise localization programs can be massive in scope, encompassing millions of words and large volumes of content across a wide range of languages over a year. To effectively manage this vast amount of work, these programs rely on complex workflows that involve multiple vendors and quality assurance (QA) steps.
Lucky Eze
32 min
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Enterprise localization programs can be massive in scope, encompassing millions of words and large volumes of content across a wide range of languages over a year. To effectively manage this vast amount of work, these programs rely on complex workflows that involve multiple vendors and quality assurance (QA) steps. The primary goal is to ensure that all localized content is thoroughly proofed and polished while also mitigating and managing any language-related risks that may arise.

However, language teams often turn to powerful software systems like Bureau Works and SDL WorldServer to tackle the challenges posed by such a large-scale translation process fluid. These systems provide robust capabilities and features that streamline the translation process fluidly and enhance the localization workflow. They offer functionalities such as project management, translation memory, glossary management, and automated quality checks. By leveraging these software solutions, language teams can improve efficiency, reduce manual effort, and maintain consistency across translations.

Bureau Works and SDL WorldServer are renowned within the localization industry for their ability to handle complex localization projects. They facilitate collaboration among stakeholders within the ai platform, including translators, reviewers, and project managers. Additionally, these systems enable seamless integration with other tools and platforms, ensuring smooth data transfer and synchronization.

With the aid of ai integration of these sophisticated software systems' best platforms, enterprise localization programs can navigate the intricacies of multilingual content creation, ensuring accurate and culturally appropriate translations while meeting tight deadlines. Combining meticulous workflows and advanced technology helps organizations deliver high-quality localized content to their global audiences efficiently and effectively.


WorldServer Overview

WorldServer, a Translation Management System (TMS), has a rich history that began in 1998 under the development of Idiom. It quickly gained recognition as one of the pioneering TMSs in the market. In 2008, Idiom was acquired by SDL, a renowned language and content management solutions provider, for $21 million, and WorldServer joined the SDL portfolio.

Renowned for its extensive customization capabilities, SDL WorldServer has become the go-to choice for enterprise language teams seeking advanced localization solutions. Despite its inception over a decade ago, WorldServer remains a stalwart in the localization technology domain. Its greatest strength lies in its ability to cater to highly specific and detailed requirements through deep customization options. Furthermore, its seamless integration with other SDL products, particularly SDL Trados Studio, offers added convenience and efficiency to users.

Approximately 500 organizations worldwide rely on WorldServer to facilitate their localization processes. Most of these users belong to translation groups within large enterprises that have invested considerable efforts in building bespoke and highly nuanced implementations. These organizations have developed intricate configurations, including custom fields, workflows, and scripts, which have become integral to their localization workflows. Consequently, migrating away from WorldServer poses an immense challenge due to the intricate nature of the custom code.

Transitioning to an alternative system would require significant time and resources. Recreating integrations and scripts within a new system could potentially take several months, or even years, of development efforts. Therefore not only the projects but companies and organizations find themselves locked into WorldServer due to the complexities of replicating their customizations with a different localization solution.

In conclusion, SDL WorldServer has established itself as a venerable localization technology since its inception. Its deep feature customization capabilities, integration with other SDL products, and the extensive investment made by organizations in building custom implementations contribute to its prominence within the industry to date. Due to the intricate custom code, the formidable challenge of migrating away from WorldServer makes it a difficult decision for enterprise language teams to undertake.

Bureau Works Overview

Bureau Works is a leading provider of workflow automation for translation projects, offering customers a comprehensive range of services to various languages and user groups. With a focus on enterprise language teams, developer and product teams, and startups, Bureau Works has established itself as a reliable and versatile translation management system company (TMS company).

Originally launched in 2018, Bureau Works is a more modern solution than SDL WorldServer, which has been around for ten years. This modern TMS is designed to optimize and streamline integrations and process automation, offering companies a more efficient and user-friendly experience.

One of the key advantages of Bureau Works is its ability to eliminate the need for custom scripts. Instead, it provides a wide range of ready-made solutions catering to different translation workflow aspects. These solutions include streamlined workflows, efficient content exporting capabilities, and robust quality management tools. By offering these pre-built solutions, Bureau Works significantly reduces the time and effort required to set up and manage translation projects.

Bureau Works caters to diverse user groups, making it suitable for large enterprises, small startups, and everything. Enterprise language teams benefit from the advanced features and scalability of Bureau Works, enabling them to handle complex translation projects easily. Developer and product teams can seamlessly integrate Bureau Works into their existing systems, allowing for efficient collaboration and faster time-to-market. On the other hand, startups can leverage Bureau Works' intuitive interface and simplified workflows to optimize their translation processes from the outset.

Key Differences Between Bureau Works and WorldServer

Effective translation and localization management are essential for businesses to expand their reach and engage with a diverse audience in today's globalized world. To streamline these processes, companies often rely on translation management platforms. Two popular options in the translation industry are Bureau Works and WorldServer. While both platforms offer valuable features, they have distinct differences that cater to specific needs. This blog post will explore the key differences between Bureau Works and WorldServer, highlighting their strengths and unique capabilities.

Translation Process Made Fluid

Bureau Works: Bureau Works takes the translation process to the next level by offering a fluid and dynamic workflow for working freelance translators. It integrates seamlessly with various translation memories and machine translation engines, enabling translators to work collaboratively and efficiently. This approach transforms complex translations and ensures high-quality translations while reducing turnaround times and costs.

WorldServer: WorldServer also streamlines the translation process by providing an intuitive interface and automation tools. However, its workflow is more structured, allowing for granular control over each step of the translation and editing process. This approach suits projects that require meticulous attention to detail and adherence to specific guidelines.

Localization Management Capabilities

Bureau Works: With its comprehensive localization management capabilities, it excels at handling complex translation and localization projects. The platform manages the projects and extensively supports linguists, project managers, and clients. It offers a centralized hub for collaboration, allowing stakeholders to communicate, create and share files, and track project progress seamlessly.

WorldServer: WorldServer focuses on the localization process and offers robust tools for project management, resource allocation, and quality control. Its advanced reporting and analytics features enable businesses to gain insights into their localization efforts, identify areas for improvement, and ensure consistency across multiple projects. WorldServer is especially suited for large-scale localization initiatives.

Artificial Intelligence Integration

Bureau Works: Bureau Works leverages the power of AI in translation memories to improve the efficiency and accuracy of translations. Its platform integrates with various translation memory tools, enabling linguists to access previously translated segments and leverage them to create them for consistent future translations. Additionally, Bureau Works integrates with machine translation engines, such as Google Translate, providing options for quick, automated translations that human translators can further refine.

WorldServer: WorldServer also offers integration with translation memories, enabling translators to access and reuse previously translated content. This feature enhances consistency and reduces translation costs over time. While WorldServer does not have built-in machine translation capabilities, it can seamlessly integrate with third-party machine translation engines, allowing businesses to leverage all the features and benefits of automation.

Simple and Predictable Activities

Bureau Works: Bureau Works simplifies the localization process by automating simple and predictable activities, freeing linguists' time for more creative and complex tasks. The platform's intelligent workflows automatically handle tasks like translating languages, file preparation, translating word counts, and cost estimates, enabling linguists to focus on linguistic quality and cultural nuances.

WorldServer: WorldServer also offers automation features for repetitive tasks, ensuring consistency and reducing human error. It streamlines activities such as file handling, project page setup, and linguistic quality checks, enabling linguists and translators to concentrate on delivering accurate and culturally relevant translations.

Customization and Flexibility

Bureau Works: Bureau Works is known for its highly customizable and flexible platform. It allows businesses to tailor their translation and localization workflows to their needs. From project setup to quality assurance processes, Bureau Works empowers users to adapt the platform to match their unique requirements.

WorldServer: While WorldServer also offers some customization options, it focuses more on providing a structured and standardized approach to translation and localization. The platform provides predefined workflows and templates that ensure consistency and adherence to industry best practices.

Collaboration and Communication

Bureau Works: Collaboration is at the core of Bureau Works' translation process. The platform offers robust collaboration and communication features, enabling seamless interaction between translators, project managers, and clients,. Linguists can easily discuss queries, provide feedback, and share project-specific knowledge, fostering a more user-friendly, collaborative, and efficient translation environment.

WorldServer: WorldServer also facilitates collaboration among the translator project team and stakeholders with a more structured approach. The platform provides clear communication channels, including commenting and review features, ensuring that the unit and all parties involved in the translation process can effectively communicate and address any issues or concerns.

Integration with Third-Party Systems

Bureau Works: Bureau Works offers customers extensive integration capabilities with various third-party systems, such as content management systems (CMS), customer relationship management (CRM) tools, and e-commerce platforms. This seamless integration enables businesses to automate and streamline their translation and localization processes by connecting Bureau Works with their existing infrastructure.

WorldServer: WorldServer is also designed to integrate with other systems commonly used in the localization industry. Its open architecture allows easy integration with CMS, version control systems, and other content repositories. This integration ensures smooth data exchange and eliminates manual transfer of files, enhancing efficiency and reducing errors.

Customer Support and Training

Bureau Works: Bureau Works is a freelance translator renowned for its exceptional customer support and comprehensive training programs. The translator platform provides dedicated account managers, marketing and support teams to assist clients throughout their translation and localization projects. Bureau Works also offers training resources, webinars, and workshops to ensure users can leverage the translator platform's full potential.

WorldServer: WorldServer provides customer support and training resources to help users get started with the platform and address any technical or operational issues. The company and platform and website offer documentation, online training modules, and a knowledge base to guide users through the setup and usage of WorldServer.

Scalability and Enterprise-level Solutions

Bureau Works: Bureau Works offers scalability and enterprise-level solutions that cater to the needs of large organizations with extensive translation and localization requirements. The platform's infrastructure can handle high volumes of content and supports multiple languages, allowing businesses to expand their global presence without limitations. Bureau Works also provides dedicated account management and tailored solutions for enterprise clients.

WorldServer: WorldServer is designed to accommodate the scalability needs of businesses operating globally. The platform offers robust scalability features, including load balancing and distributed architecture, to handle large translation projects and accommodate increasing volumes of content. WorldServer's enterprise-level solutions ensure seamless localization management for multinational organizations.

Advanced Reporting and Analytics

Bureau Works: Bureau Works provides advanced reporting and analytics capabilities that offer valuable insights into translation and localization projects. The platform generates detailed reports on project progress, costs, quality metrics, and resource utilization. These analytics enable businesses to make data-driven decisions, optimize their localization processes, and measure the effectiveness of their translation efforts.

WorldServer: WorldServer also offers comprehensive reporting and analytics features to track and analyze key metrics related to translation and localization projects. Businesses can access reports on translation volumes, quality scores, turnaround times, and cost analysis. This data empowers organizations to evaluate their localization processes' efficiency, identify improvement areas, and make informed decisions for future projects.

AI Integrations, Capacities, Features, and Tools


SDL WorldServer is a comprehensive translation management system incorporating various features and services related to artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline and enhance the translation process.

WorldServer Translation Memory: SDL WorldServer utilizes AI-powered translation memory technology to store and retrieve previously translated segments. This feature helps maintain consistency while improving translation speed by suggesting previously translated content for re-use.

Translation Quality Assessment (TQA): SDL WorldServer incorporates AI-driven quality assessment tools to evaluate the quality of translations. These tools analyze various linguistic and stylistic aspects to identify potential errors or areas for improvement.

SmartMATE: SDL WorldServer includes SmartMATE, an AI-powered feature that applies machine learning algorithms to analyze translation data and make intelligent suggestions. It helps translators work faster and more accurately by providing context-specific recommendations.

Bureau Works

Bureau Works, a leading provider in this field, provides a comprehensive set of AI-powered capabilities that empower translators and reviewers to streamline their workflow, improve accuracy, and unlock their creative potential. Here, we will explore four key AI capabilities offered by Bureau Works: the BWX Generative Language Engine, BWX Quality Professor, BWX Translation Smells, and BWX Translation Critic.

BWX Generative Language Engine: The sophisticated BWX Generative Language Engine (GLE) lies at the heart of Bureau Works' tool set. The GLE learns from users and gives individualized suggestions by seamlessly merging Translation Memories, Machine Translations, and Glossaries into a cohesive and intelligent system. According to recent research, using the GLE can increase translation efficiency by up to 50%. This integration of resources not only saves time and effort but also improves translation quality. The GLE provides translators access to contextual information, allowing them to create precise and quick translations.

BWX Quality Professor: Bureau Works launches the BWX Quality Professor as part of its mission to provide the highest-caliber translations. Both translators and reviewers gain from this AI-powered tool's classification and explanation of modifications made throughout the translation process. Although users have the option to ignore the tool's recommendations, doing so greatly cuts down on the time and effort needed. The information produced by the BWX Quality Professor is also a useful tool for educating reviewers, communicating with customers and stakeholders, and powering the BWX Autopilot function. Using this feature further increases translation efficiency and quality, resulting in extraordinary outcomes.

BWX Translation Critic: The BWX Translation Critic is a priceless resource for translators seeking an independent opinion on their word selections. This AI-driven tool reviews translations from a reader's perspective with the press of a button, independent of Translation Memories or Glossaries. The Translation Critic is an objective pair of eyes, offering helpful criticism on language decisions. Importantly, whether translators accept or reject the tool's suggestion has no negative effects. This function promotes ongoing development, allowing translators to hone their craft and produce translations that connect with readers.


Bureau Works and WorldServer are powerful translation management systems catering to enterprise language teams' needs. Bureau Works which is a much more option offers a fluid workflow, eliminates the need for custom scripts, proper pricing and payment structure, and provides comprehensive localization management capabilities. On the other hand, WorldServer offers extensive customization options, structured workflows, and advanced reporting and analytics features. The choice between the two depends on specific requirements, such as customization, scalability, collaboration features, integration capabilities, and reporting needs. Ultimately, both systems contribute to streamlining and enhancing business translation and localization processes.

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Lucky Eze
Lucky Ezeihuaku is an SEO expert and specialist Translation content writer with Bureau Works. He has a master’s degree in English and Literature, and has been writing professionally for at least 7 years. He has gone on to specialize in the Translation and Localization niche, churning out multiple quality, informative, and optimized articles for Bureau Works over the past year. He claims writing and developing SEO strategies keeps him going, and he’s also interested in Data Analytics.
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