300+ 기업이 BUREAU WORKS를 신뢰합니다

Soc 2 Type 2  Certification

To maintain this certification we are audited by that third party regularly to guarantee:

  •  Inspect our system,
  •  Controls to ensure strict compliance.

Where does my Data live?

Bureau Works stores customer data in AWS Servers.

The Primary cluster is AWS-east1 (Virginia)

The Secondary cluster in Europe AWS-eu-west-1 (Ireland).


We have logs on everything

If at any moment you would like to verify all the events pertaining to your data, you can request a full log to your Customer Success Manager.


Your data is yours

✖  Not shared with any third party
✖  Not used for training purposes
✖  Not leveraged in any way

Even with LLMs your data is kept private

The models we work with are stateless by design

For more information please refer to their privacy policies:
Microsoft Azure  •  Open AI

Access Control

You decide who gets acess to what

Account Admins: have acess to all of the account data.

Roles and permissions are assigned: specific people only have access to the data you would like them to see.

Security at Bureau Works

Learn more about Bureau Works’s security practices and share details with your security team.

View our security paper   ↗

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