
요구 사항에 맞는 플랜을 찾으십시오

우리의 계획은 손쉬운 번역 관리와 최첨단 보안 및 확장성을 통한 보강을 제공합니다.



(최대 25% 할인)
14일 무료 체험      |      신용 카드가 필요하지 않습니다.
어떤 요금제를 선택해야 할지 잘 모르시겠다고요? 데모/대화 예약!
연간 60K 단어
무제한 사용자
50 API 호출
GPT-4 토큰
기계 번역
맞춤법 검사
연간 9.6M 단어
무제한 사용자
1000 API 호출
GPT-4 토큰
기계 번역
맞춤법 검사
사용자 정의 하위 도메인
매년 청구됨
퓨전 플랜 추가
연간 25.2M 단어
무제한 사용자
5000 API 호출
GPT-4 토큰
기계 번역
맞춤법 검사
사용자 정의 하위 도메인
매년 청구됨
퀀텀 플랜 추가
연간 60M 단어
무제한 사용자
10000 API 호출
GPT-4 토큰
기계 번역
맞춤법 검사
사용자 정의 하위 도메인
사용자 정의 도메인
프리미엄 지원
매년 청구됨
영업팀에 문의
무제한 단어
무제한 사용자
엔터프라이즈 준비 완료 규모
엔터프라이즈 보안
엔터프라이즈 지원
Dedicated Customer Success Management
*연간 단어 제한은 매월 비례 배분되며 이월되지 않습니다.
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14일 무료 체험      |      신용 카드가 필요하지 않습니다.
어떤 요금제를 선택해야 할지 잘 모르시겠다고요? 데모/대화 예약!
60K words per year
Unlimited users
50 API Calls
GPT-4 Tokens
Machine Translation
500K words per year
Unlimited users
1.2K API Calls
GPT-4 Tokens
Machine Translation
매년 청구됨
부티크 플랜 추가
3.2M words per year
Unlimited users
500 API Calls
GPT-4 Tokens
Machine Translation
Custom Subdomain
*연간 단어 제한은 매월 비례 배분되며 이월되지 않습니다.
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선호하는 플랫폼과 통합하세요.

Bureau Works를 AEM, Drupal, Wordpress, Marketo 및 기타 시스템과 원활하게 연결합니다. 효율적으로 콘텐츠를 번역하기 위해 더 이상 고민하지 않아도 됩니다.

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Frequently asked questions

We're here to help with any questions you have about plans, pricing, and supported features.

Frequently asked questions

What unique features or tools differentiate your translation platform?

The main difference lies in our DNA. We believe people use Translation Management Systems to achieve specific goals, such as delivering high-quality translations consistently, leveraging costs, managing complex processes, reducing operational overhead, and ensuring brand voice across multiple languages.

Bureau Works is a goal enabler; our broad range of features converges towards the common objectives we see repeatedly in the localization space.

Our technology focuses on continuous improvement through data-driven decisions—from choosing the most appropriate translation for any context to selecting the linguist best suited for a specific text. Ultimately, our priority is ensuring clients achieve all their translation management goals.

Is your technology solution a TMS or an alternative?

Our tech solution is a comprehensive Translation Management System (TMS) that integrates project, cost, quality, vendor, knowledge, access, permissions, and workflow management.

The term 'TMS' is often used in different ways—some see it as software for managing business processes related to translation, while others view it as a tool that facilitates the translation process, including file parsing and a robust translation environment.

If you're unsure about the different meanings of TMS, you're in luck: Bureau Works covers both the business management aspects and the actual translation process, offering a complete solution.

How does your TMS leverage AI and machine learning?

AI augmentations include context-sensitivity, translation smells, alternative suggestions, proofreading, and more. These tools ensure continuous learning and quality improvement.

Can you provide details on the AI-driven project management features?

Bureau Works leverages AI to automate project creation, quoting, billing, task assignment, QA, workflow steps, and more. All automations can be turned off and exceptions can be made in any part of the automation process.

How do you integrate your translation platform with other software or platforms?

Bureau Works uses an API-first approach with REST API and webhooks, enabling deep bidirectional integration with other platforms.

How does your organization leverage AI for efficiency and value?

We explore AI applications such as a video subtitling tool, a translation management maintenance tool, and a smart dynamic feed to prioritize the most essential tasks every day.

How does your approach to machine translation and LLMs differ from competitors?

We focus on translation efficiency, leveraging LLMs to enhance translator interactions with text and continuously learning from their input.

Which AI powers Bureau Works?

Bureau Works has a proprietary API framework that allows it to work with any number of LLMs in different roles and capacities. Currently, Bureau Works focuses its Augmented Actions on GPT-4 powered by either Azure or Open AI. Bureau Works users can point their Augmented Actions to their own instance of GPT as long as it is hosted in Open AI and Azure.

Does Bureau Works AI use my data for training?

No, your data is not used for training purposes and is permanently deleted after 30 days.

What's the difference between asking AI to translate and to proofread?

AI translation considers your glossary and TM, while proofreading focuses solely on the source segment for a more direct review.

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무료 스타터 플랜으로 원하는 기간 동안 Bureau Works를 사용해 보세요. 유료 Bureau Works 플랜을 구매하여 적절한 수준의 확장성과 기능을 활용하세요.

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