With centralized linguistic assets—like translation memories and glossaries—you can ensure that all content follows the same brand standards and lexicon.
Break the barrier into new language markets with top-notch content localization, done on a platform that goes beyond just being a TMS and helps you run a flawless process aligned with all your business units.
The increased connectivity of our world has opened up a lot of opportunities for business. Domestic borders no longer restrict commerce, and businesses can expand into new markets faster than ever.
The only barrier that remains is the language barrier. That’s why you need top-notch content localization. You need to communicate your brand experience wherever you want your a business to grow, and for that you need a cohesive localization strategy and a comprehensive platform to power it.
With centralized linguistic assets—like translation memories and glossaries—you can ensure that all content follows the same brand standards and lexicon.
Platforms you use should work with your own internal content management systems and programs for hands-off, end-to-end integration.
When you’re thinking about content localization, you’ll see a lot of options. Whether you choose to keep the project in-house, outsource it, or do a little of both, translation services generally fall into one of three categories:
This is a wide range, and includes everything from having a single employee who is a native speaker complete translations all the way to setting up entire teams dedicated to specific regions.
This runs the gamut from hiring freelancers to single language vendors to adaptable companies that handle many different languages.
By using both external and internal teams, companies can enjoy the whole range of benefits while mitigating risks.
The terms that are important to your brand and market need to be a specific part of your corporate dictionary to ensure they become a central part of your translation program.
Without quality control, your translators won’t know the standards. This results in varying quality from piece to piece and creates an inconsistent brand voice.