Best Practices

Assess Your eLearning Localization Project Scope and Strategy

When the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the globe, eLearning opportunities skyrocketed.
Gabriel Fairman
2 min
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When the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the globe, eLearning opportunities skyrocketed. Already a growing concept before the pandemic, the eLearning industry is projected to see a growth rate of 10.3% by 2026.

And many companies are looking to expand remote work opportunities globally to diversify their talent pool. As a result, companies must ensure their eLearning translation and localization platforms function at the highest potential to accommodate a global team. Many variables contribute to the success of an eLearning localization strategy, and cost, scheduling, and accuracy are vital.

To guarantee the effectiveness of your eLearning localization project, you must first assess the scope and strategy.

How to Assess Your eLearning Localization Project

eLearning works to overcome geographical barriers by making education and training materials accessible to a global audience. But before beginning an eLearning project, you must first fine-tune the scope and strategy to ensure the impact of the overall learner experience is on point. Assessment guarantees your project is entirely localized, on budget, on time, and makes sense to the learner.

Establish a Timeline and Budget

Beginning an eLearning localization project is a complex undertaking. First, it is important to determine the scope of your translated material and the languages you plan to use. If your content needs to be translated into ten different languages, you must outline the time for those translations. eLearning localization also includes:

  • Audio
  • Visual
  • Graphics
  • Formatting
  • Quality Testing

By nature, localizing an eLearning project is a complicated process with many components. Scheduling all necessary steps and determining a realistic budget will help your company establish a timeline and remain on track.

eLearning Specifications for Learner Success

The localization process involves extensive efforts beyond converting one language into another. Here are some key factors to consider:

Local Expressions

Local expressions will differ from country to country. Avoid phrases or slang that may be difficult to translate. Content should be kept clear and concise and make sense to the user. To ensure your content is received well, establish a stakeholder with a single point of contact to determine the glossary and translation memory. The stakeholder can review course materials to eliminate the need for costly revisions.

Image Text

Images containing text will also need to be localized. Infographics, charts, maps, and other visual elements will need to be updated to make sense to the user. Updating these small components will take time, but accepting this factor in advance will pay off in the long run.

Audio and Visual Components

Localization goes beyond text translation. An eLearning localization project will also include video and audio transcripts, and both offer tremendous benefits for the user. Subtitles will help readers read through the content, but they may lose focus if they are too occupied.

If the text is not translated correctly, it may confuse the learner.Using a voice-over allows a learner to hear the material in their native tongue, producing a better quality experience. There will not be another language speaking while the learner is trying to read. Instead, the learner will only hear their native language and focus on the key message. However, a voice-over may yield a more expensive cost than subtitles.

As a result, it is best to find a translation vendor that provides an end-to-end solution for eLearning translation. In doing so, your company can receive price estimates to determine if the cost is within budget and allow you to participate in the review process to submit feedback and weigh in on necessary changes.


When going through the localization process, keep the design simple. Heavy text and a crowded design can become complicated for the user. Use simple instructions that can easily be translated and interactive buttons and questions to help the user navigate the platform. Most importantly, leave plenty of white space. Every translation will differ in terms of the amount of space it will take up. For example, English content may only take up 10% of the space. However, once converted to German, you may see 30% of the space used. Accounting for text expansion will keep the space organized and ensure content is legible.

Effective Localization Services

Effective localization ensures that learners are experiencing the same training experience despite their location and language differences. The most important factor in eLearning localization is choosing a localization management platform that can help you establish your course successfully. Some key features in an eLearning localization service include:

  • A robust platform that integrates with your existing content and learning management systems.
  • Translators with eLearning backgrounds to ensure you get the right match for your content.
  • A provider with multimedia capabilities to adapt all of your content, including videos, audio files, graphics, and more.
  • Transparent communication to develop efficient feedback and revision processes and sign off on content to keep the project on schedule.
  • Access to quality data will help your company understand why translated material may be falling short or where weak links are in your content pipeline.

Embarking on an eLearning localization project can be a complex undertaking. Finding the best localization service and practicing proper assessment procedures in advance can mitigate risks and improve the quality of your eLearning localization project for better performance and productivity.

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Gabriel Fairman
Founder and CEO of Bureau Works, Gabriel Fairman is the father of three and a technologist at heart. Raised in a family that spoke three languages and having picked up another three over the course of his life, he has always been fascinated with the role language plays in identity and the creation of meaning. Gabriel loves to cook, play the guitar, tennis, soccer, and ski. As far as work goes, he enjoys being at the forefront of innovation and mobilizing people and teams together toward a mission. In recognition of his outstanding contributions, Gabriel was honored with the 2023 Innovator of the Year Award at LocWorld Silicon Valley.
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