Why is eLearning translation important?
Many of us use eLearning originally from different countries to study, work, and personal development.If reaching increasingly global audiences is part of your business goals, you already know that you need to focus on content that is accessible to people with different backgrounds. But why is eLearning translation important to help you achieve this goal?A good eLearning translation is not only about putting all the content in another language. It’s important to take care of many details to suit the ethnic, geographic, and cultural sensibilities of the learners. Let’s see some reasons to consider investing in this service to take your educational and training materials to the next level.

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Inclusive Learning Culture
The learners will feel more involved by a content truly adapted to their cultural backgrounds than an eLearning course generically formatted. We call eLearning localization the adaptation of the content according to the specific culture of learners. This adaptation, of course, includes a series of aspects. Beginning with the content, that would be translated according to idioms, colloquial examples, and case studies that make sense of the learner's reality. Also, it’s equally important to ensure multimedia content quality. The ideal eLearning translation will be set up for multimedia capabilities to adapt all the content, including images, videos, audio files, graphics, colors, and more. Everything needs to be considered to provide a consistent impact on the message.
Make your training curriculum global
Whether you're a market leader or a startup, investing in solid international employee training could mean avoiding huge problems of misunderstandings. It’s a long-term investment that brings professionalism and credibility to your employees in whatever tasks they perform to deliver the company's services.Through an eLearning translation focused on a customized experience for each group, you can foster knowledge acquisition and retention for your collaborators. They will learn at a much deeper level if the materials are in their native language.You might think that if you have a nice level of English among your workers, that wouldn’t be a worry. Well, that’s one of the beliefs to be broken. They would feel more supported, valuable, and even more engaged with the work if they could access information in two languages (English and the native language, for example). It will help the local employees to prepare responses to any kind of situation in the market and maximize productivity.
Be assertive with the tone
Educating people about your brand or your market specialty requires attention to the tone, which changes from country to country. A mistake can lead your audience to the wrong choice just because they interpreted the content from a different perspective. Remember that culture involves a wide range of sensibilities such as words with a prejudiced connotation, visual impact, socializing and communication rules, etc. Everything can influence your message.An efficient eLearning translation service helps you to make the content authentic to every user, making the public feel connected to the company's identity and purposes.
The right message in the shortest time
We all know it’s impossible to translate content 100% literally from one language to another. The same message can be communicated in a few words or many depending on the idiom, what we call language dilation. For example, if you translate material from English to an Asiatic language, such as Chinese, or a Roman language, like Italian, we can have a percentage of 60% e 40% of language dilation, respectively.Guaranteeing a good eLearning translation helps to deliver the right message in the shortest possible time. It includes attention to all multimedia materials, as we mentioned before, like subtitles, and considering how the learning process may take more time to be absorbed according to the final language.
Wider audience to attract the best talents
Elearning translation, especially if dedicated to key language audiences, will strategically increase your public and help you to attract the best talents. Good learners, those who will connect with your message, can be anywhere in the world.Who doesn't want to collaborate or buy material from a safe source that is concerned about multicultural inclusivity? Your company will be noted by this differential, which will strengthen your image among the partners.
And how to guarantee an eLearning translation of impact?
We could summarize two main elements to ensure an eLearning translation of impact. First of all, creating a management system that is capable of localization, which means building eLearnings that can be translated easily.Elearning translation is not an ordinary process, even with all the tools and programs provided, and requires expert translators with solid backgrounds in the field. That’s why the second tip is to hire expert eLearning localization services. The right partner will take your hand on this process to make your material reach its highest potential.