
News From the Robots (CTO Updates #3)

Siblings fight. That’s what we do, we grow up fighting and we have (in most cases) infinite love to share. Brazil beat Argentina yesterday for the Copa America.
Henrique Cabral
2 min

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Siblings fight. That’s what we do, we grow up fighting and we have (in most cases) infinite love to share. Brazil beat Argentina yesterday for the Copa America, and as usual, it was hard and exciting. We are hermanos, we will cherish our beaches, wines, cultures, but football, football, just don’t, big no-no. We love to hate each other when we play, and may this continue forever! Brazil 2 x 0 Argentina! HA!This week is 4th of July AKA Brexit 1776, which means we will work anyway, especially in our Brazilian Offices. Fireworks galore, enjoy the Holiday (if you can)!Here’s a random stock photo of a loaf of bread for no apparent reason.

#1 Google Drive Integration

Yes! You can now upload files in Bureau Works by securely connecting to your Google Drive. It will also work if you have shared folders with your team, making it collaboration a breeze!####################

#2 Term Base Management Improvements

We have improved our Term Base module with some neat features:

1. Term Linking

You can now link terms across term bases, adding more meaning to the conversation and allowing these to be visible by translators and reviewers. Terms can be linked as synonyms, homographs and antonyms.

2. Flagging Terms for Review

Imagine a “softer” approach to a full review. You can flag a term for translation, and thus notifying key people that something may need a review, also knowing why it had been flagged.

3. Duplicate Term Detection

When adding new terms, the system will now perform a search across all term bases. If a duplicate is found, you will be notified and given and option for reviewing your input or ignoring the warning altogether.

4. Bulk Creation By Importing CSV/XLS files

You can now use CSV and XLS files to bulk upload terms in a Term Base! Use our template, available to download in Bureau Works, and we will handle the rest.######################

#3 Performance Optimization Black Magic

There are many things happening under the hood in Bureau Works, that are very exciting, but exciting in a very nerdy way. We’ve been deploying constant performance improvements, doing a bunch of refactoring and slicing and dicing some features into micro services, thus improving the reliability of our platform. Stay tuned for major update in Bureau Works in a very near future. ;)

Written by Henrique Cabral

Henrique is a partner at Bureau Works as well as the CTO. He also speaks code and loves racing cars.

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Henrique Cabral
I’m the Partner and CTO of Bureau Works, a translation management system. With 20+ years in tech, I specialize in developing integrations, tools, and partnerships for a range of clients. My expertise spans project management, software development, and information security. I hold an MBA in International Business and am passionate about streamlining localization processes with technology.

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