
Features of a Software Localization Platform Be Your Focal Point?

What Are the Must-Have Features for a Software Localization Platform. Knowing what features to look for when choosing a specific platform can make or break your localization strategy’s success.
Gabriel Fairman
2 min
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Adapting to various cultures and languages is necessary for companies looking to expand the consumer base of their products. The most efficient way to do this is to use a software localization platform management system to translate a program or app and ensure it is easily accessible to your target markets. When trying to select the best software localization program for the job, most companies base their search on the superficial aspects advertised to guarantee initial product adaptation. Instead of focusing solely on those attributes though, there are specific ones you should be looking out for that will ensure long-term success.

What Are the Must-Have Features for a Software Localization Platform?

Knowing what features to look for when choosing a specific platform can make or break your localization strategy’s success. Software localization platforms will boast many different features, but these are the most important ones you should pay attention to:

Terminology Management

Terminology management is the process of mapping a company’s content, identifying specific keywords or phrases, and storing them to preserve their meaning across various languages. This is important to maintain the benefits received by your company’s current search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. It allows you to keep your current keywords to increase your site visibility as you expand into other markets.

Translation Memory Management

Translation memories store segments of previously translated text to optimize future translations. It monitors website translations and updates results, which allows the linguist to reuse previously translated material. This optimizes the process by increasing the consistency and efficiency of the translations, significantly reducing translation time.

Quality Control

Quality control is necessary for fine-tuning translations to make sure the material is successfully localized for a particular region. It’s the process of proofreading and editing translated material to eliminate inconsistencies and incorrect or misused terms to ensure your program conveys itself as a trustworthy source in every market.  

Tag Verifiers

Tags are important tools for improving the rank of your site pages and structuring written content to make it easier for the reader to digest. Having a tag verification process guarantees that your source tags remain intact after translation. Doing this will ensure that your SEO strategy is being utilized across all markets.  

Preview Screens

Providing previews of a website or app page allows translators to better understand the context of the material in order to improve the quality and speed of initial translations. Preview screens are helpful, but it’s important to note that they’re only available if the page in question has already been created.  

File Engineering

File engineering is required to make sure your company’s products are properly translated. Most files contain code that shouldn’t be translated or is too difficult to translate. Having a file engineering system in place allows the linguist to receive information that’s easy to understand, allowing them to translate more efficiently and maintain your site’s functionality and appearance to users.  While these features are important, you should examine more pressing factors when choosing a software translation service that you can feel confident with.  

What Should You Consider When Choosing a Software Localization Management Platform?

Whether you already have a software localization process in place or you’re looking to partner with a platform to begin one, it’s necessary to take the time to evaluate your current ways of working and what your desired process is. By doing so, you can find a software localization platform that will help you achieve your localization goals. The most crucial factor to consider is finding a software localization platform that can easily manage and solve your company’s technology use case. That means finding a platform that can identify and organize your company’s specific requirements to reach your goals of localization, whether it’s for e-learning, marketing, software development, or something else. Make sure to look for these aspects:  

Transparent Pricing

The first thing to consider is the per-word rate advertised by a software localization platform. Services usually offer low per-word rates to bait companies into partnering with them. While these rates may seem ideal, it’s essential to consider the reality that they could easily tack on extra fees down the road, costing you more than if you’d chosen a service with a higher per-word rate. It’s important to steer away from dishonest pricing and search for a platform that’s more upfront with its fees.

Management of Translation Processes and Quality

Having a software localization platform that can adequately manage the business elements of the translation process is another vital aspect to be aware of. It’s necessary to find a platform that provides transparency about factors like assigning a translator to your case and fostering open communication between your company and the linguist. It’s also important to know what quality assurance systems they have in place to ensure all relevant members review the information and any necessary changes are implemented and understood.  

Strategies for Growth and Optimization

The most crucial factor in realizing your desired localization process is partnering with a software localization platform that can evolve with your company. It’s essential to find a platform that brings much-needed improvement to your localization process and helps shape how operations are handled. The translation company you choose must have a growth strategy that allows for the continued expansion of your product across various consumer markets.  Must-have features are essential for successful end-to-end localization, but they shouldn’t be the driving factors of your decision. In order to choose a trustworthy software localization management platform, you need to consider who has a transparent plan for software implementation and development as your company grows. It’s about finding software that will meet you halfway and evolve with your company to ensure long-term success.

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Gabriel Fairman
Founder and CEO of Bureau Works, Gabriel Fairman is the father of three and a technologist at heart. Raised in a family that spoke three languages and having picked up another three over the course of his life, he has always been fascinated with the role language plays in identity and the creation of meaning. Gabriel loves to cook, play the guitar, tennis, soccer, and ski. As far as work goes, he enjoys being at the forefront of innovation and mobilizing people and teams together toward a mission. In recognition of his outstanding contributions, Gabriel was honored with the 2023 Innovator of the Year Award at LocWorld Silicon Valley.
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